A notarial signature verification is significantly more robust than a standard signature verification or verification by a lawyer. A notarial signature verification means that it is almost impossible to contradict the signature and make future claims (in Court or anywhere) about the signature procedure or its validity.
Under Israeli law, there are cases where signature verification must be notarized. For example, a power of attorney for a non-lawyer real estate transaction, creation of a trust, and almost every document that is intended to be used outside of Israel.
Each notarized document carries a serial number and date, both of which cannot be forged, so it is important to use a notarized signature wherever there may be a question in the future about when the document was signed, for example vis-à-vis the Tax Authority. For this reason, we recommend that any document of asset holding in a escrow or trust (e.g. holding a company stock for another) be notarized.
Procuration du notaire
Signature de procurations notariales
Copie originale notariée
Copie originale notariée
Exécution de documents pour utilisés hors d’Israël
Exécution notariée de documents destinés à être utilisés en dehors d'Israël
Certificat de Vie
Certificats de vie notariaux
Témoignage sur un document négociable
Témoignage sur un document négociable
Affidavit notarié
Signature des affidavits notariés
Traductions notariales
Traduction et authentification de traductions notariales
Testaments Notariés
Préparation et exécution des testaments et testaments notariés
Accords notariés prénuptiaux
Préparer et approuver les accords prénuptiaux notariaux et éditer les accords prénuptiaux pour approbation par la Cour
Accords de mariage de fait
Common-Law Marriages Agreements, joint parenting agreements and other agreements between spouses who do not want, or cannot, marry
Effectuer des vérifications d'apostille pour les documents notariés